Prediction of Optical Strength of Polymer Coatings during Their Laser Ablative Destruction


  • E. I. Voronina Novorossiysk Polytechnic Institute (branch) of the Kuban State Technological University
  • P. V. Charty Novorossiysk Polytechnic Institute (branch) of the Kuban State Technological University
  • V. G. Shemanin Branch of the Belgorod State Technological University. V. G. Shukhov in Novorossiysk


laser ablation destruction, polymer coatings, target, reliability or radiation strength, statistical model, threshold energy density


The study of laser ablation destruction of polymer coatings under intense energy release on the target is of interest for the development of methods for assessing and predicting the reliability or radiation strength of these coatings. A technique is proposed for assessing and predicting the reliability of these coatings based on a statistical model of the destruction process andexperimental measurements of the values of the threshold energy density of this destruction. The results obtained make it possible to predict the reliability of any polymer sample depending on the nature of laser irradiation without carrying out a large amount of experimental measurements.


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How to Cite

Воронина, Э. И., Чартий, П. В., & Шеманин, В. Г. (2022). Prediction of Optical Strength of Polymer Coatings during Their Laser Ablative Destruction. Lasers. Measurements. Information, 2(3), 027-033. Retrieved from



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