Remote sensing of ammonia molecules in the atmospheric boundary layer


  • V. E. Privalov Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University
  • V. G. Shemanin V.G. Shukhov Belgorod State Technological University branch in Novorossiysk


remote monitoring, ammonia, concentration, Raman lidar, measurement time


Recently, ammonia has been considered as an effective carbon-free fuel for airplanes and rockets. Therefore, remote monitoring of the ammonia leaks or emissions from pipelines and storage tanks is necessary. The paper presents a theoretical assessment of the possibility of using the Raman lidar for remote measurement of ammonia concentration levels of the order of MPC and higher. The computer simulation results show that the lidar remote sensing of the studied molecules with concentrations N(z) = 1018m-3 at the 355nm wavelength of laser radiation in the ranging range up to 1500m is sufficient for measuring time from 0.3s to 238.5min.


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How to Cite

Привалов, В. Е., & Шеманин, В. Г. (2023). Remote sensing of ammonia molecules in the atmospheric boundary layer. Lasers. Measurements. Information, 3(2), 46-54. Retrieved from



Laser spectroscopy

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