Measurement of mercury vapor and other gases in the air by analyzers using the Zeeman Effect in the UV range


  • V. V. Tatur Institute of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological Systems, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
  • A. A. Tikhomirov Institute of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological Systems, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences


mercury analyzers, Zeeman Effect, UV range, benzene, toluene, acetone vapors, registration


The basic principles of construction of analyzers of atomic mercury in air media using a mercury capillary lamp at a wavelength l0 = 253.7 nm with longitudinal and transverse Zeeman effects (EZ) are presented. The advantages and disadvantages of such devices and their application for measuring the mercury content in natural gas are considered. Experimental results are presented for evaluating the effect of impurity gases (benzene, toluene and acetone), which have electron-vibrational absorption bands near l0, on measuring the concentration of mercury vapor using an analyzer with a capillary lamp with a natural isotopic composition of mercury at the transverse EZ. The advantage of such analyzers in comparison with analyzers based on the longitudinal EZ is shown. One of the possible reasons for the greatest influence of benzene on the results of measuring mercury content in the presence of impurity gases, which is related to the structure of molecules and their dipole moment, is explained.


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How to Cite

Татур, В., & Тихомиров, А. (2024). Measurement of mercury vapor and other gases in the air by analyzers using the Zeeman Effect in the UV range. Lasers. Measurements. Information, 4(2), 40-53. Retrieved from



Laser and optical measurements