Hardware and software complex for the formation of descriptors in the decision support system for the diagnosis of medical risks
communication, team management, management process (3-5 keywords or phrases. medical risk, zones of abnormal electrical conductivity, transient response, descriptors, software and hardware complexAbstract
Purpose of the study. Development of a method for forming descriptors for trained classifiers of medical risks, based on the analysis of transient processes in biomaterial in an in vivo experiment.
Methods. The essence of the proposed method consists in the formation of test effects of the probing current on anatomical areas with abnormal electrical conductivity and obtaining the amplitude-phase-frequency characteristics of the impedance of the biomaterial on which the test action was carried out. The coordinates of the Cole plot of the biomaterial were used as descriptors for the classifiers. The Cole plot was obtained on the basis of Carson's transformation of the readings of the transient response of a four-port network, the element of which is the impedance of the biomaterial under study. A sequence of unipolar rectangular pulses was fed to the input of the four-port network.
Results. On the basis of the data collection system E20-10 manufactured by JSC "L-Card", a software and hardware complex has been developed for digitizing transient characteristics in a quadrupole, the element of which is the impedance of a biomaterial in anatomical areas with abnormal electrical conductivity. Software has been developed for the formation of test influences and digitization of signals that are the reaction of a biomaterial to these test influences. A theoretical model of the transition from the readings of the transient characteristic of a quadripole with an element of biomaterial impedance to the Cole plot of the biomaterial is proposed.
Conclusion. It is shown that the linear model of the biomaterial impedance allows one to obtain descriptors based on its amplitude-phase-frequency characteristics, which take into account the dissipative properties of the biomaterial. Obtaining a model of the Cole graph, taking into account its dissipative properties, makes it possible to construct trainable classifiers of medical risk for socially significant diseases.
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