Turbulence influence to optical signal propagation with wavelength 1550 nm


  • B. I. Ognev Joint-Stock Company «MOSTCOM»
  • S. A. Skladchikov Lomonosov Moscow State University
  • E. G. Chulyaeva Ryazan State Radio Engineering University named after V. F. Utkin


turbulence, optical signals, laser radiation, beam path, optical beam splitting


In this work authors presents computational modeling results of optical signals passage near the receiving sites made in ANSYS program complex. Laser beam is split into several filaments due to the phenomenon of turbulence. Due to the fact that an uneven distribution of air refraction coefficients occurs near the receiving sites of optical signal receiving devices in the atmosphere, laser beams are split near the receiving sites. It means that requirements for the receiving sites of optical signals should be increased. To solve the problem with phenomenon of turbulence, several laser transmitters and receivers at different wavelengths should be installed in laser beam propagation installations. It increases the speed of information transfer and increases the reliability of the devices.


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How to Cite

Огнев, Б. И. ., Складчиков, С. А. ., & Чуляева, Е. Г. . (2021). Turbulence influence to optical signal propagation with wavelength 1550 nm. Lasers. Measurements. Information, 1(2), 012-016. Retrieved from https://lasers-measurement-information.ru/ojs/index.php/laser/article/view/10



Interaction of laser radiation with matter