Lidar signals processing for the laser radiation differential extinction in the aerosol flow


  • E. I. Vedenin Novorossiysk Polytechnic Institute (branch) KubSTU
  • S. V. Polovchenko Novorossiysk Polytechnic Institute (branch) KubSTU
  • I. A. Sarychev Novorossiysk Polytechnic Institute (branch) KubSTU
  • P. V. Chartiy Novorossiysk Polytechnic Institute (branch) KubSTU


laser sensing, mass concentration, volume-surface diameter, aerosol particles


Aerosol particles parameters in industrial production emissions control, such as mass concentration and dispersed particles composition, is actual task. The most suitable to control this parameters in real time are laser methods to decision reverse task. This work purpose is mass concentration and parameter, which allow to determine dispersed particles composition – volume-surface particles diameter count method description by the way of laser radiation attenuation signals processing. To this purpose have been developed multi-wave laser system arrangement, which create aerosol particles flow similar by parameters with particles flow at the real production dust and gas cleaning equipment exit.


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How to Cite

Веденин, Е. И. ., Половченко, С. В. ., Сарычев, И. А. ., & Чартий, П. В. (2021). Lidar signals processing for the laser radiation differential extinction in the aerosol flow. Lasers. Measurements. Information, 1(3), 023-031. Retrieved from




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