Laser Meter for Integral and Microstructural Characteristics of Atmospheric Precipitation OPTIOS
laser meter, obtaining and analyzing of shadow images, atmospheric precipitation, integral and microstructural characteristicsAbstract
A description of the measuring scheme features, the results of laboratory and field tests of the prototype of atmospheric precipitation laser meter OPTIOS based on the method of obtaining and analyzing of shadow images of falling precipitation particles are presented. Schematic and software solutions are presented that ensure the autonomy of the device and reduce the error in measuring precipitation parameters. The efficiency of using OPTIOS for measuring the integral and microstructural characteristics of rain, snow and hail is shown on the example of analyzing the results of comparative field tests with a standard O-1 rain gauge and a tipping-bucket rain gauge Davis Rain Collector. Size range of measured precipitation particles - from 0.5 to 10 mm, sensitivity to the amount of precipitation - not worse than 0.0001 mm, range of measured rain intensity - from 0 to 2000 mm / h, particle fall velocity range of - from 0.2 to 20 m/s.
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