Optical characteristics of glass composites with multilayer nanoscale coatings


  • V. E. Privalov Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University
  • V. G. Shemanin Novorossiisk Branch of Belgorod V G Shukhov State Technology University
  • O. V. Mkrtychev Novorossiisk Branch of Belgorod V G Shukhov State Technology University


sol-gel technology, multilayer nanocoatings, glass composite, film thickness, refractive index of the film, transmission spectrum of the composite, coating reflection coefficient, threshold energy density of laser ablation destruction


The dependence of the optical characteristics of nano coatings, including the refractive index, the transmission spectrum of the composite, the reflection coefficient of the coating, and the threshold energy densities of laser ablation damage, on the number of layers of silicon dioxide or thiane dioxide deposited on the surface, has been studied. Empirical dependences of the values of these quantities on the number of layers have been obtained. This will make it possible to create new materials for nanophotonics with specified linear and nonlinear optical properties


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How to Cite

Привалов, В. Е. ., Шеманин, В. Г. ., & Мкртычев, О. В. . (2021). Optical characteristics of glass composites with multilayer nanoscale coatings. Lasers. Measurements. Information, 1(4), 033-039. Retrieved from https://lasers-measurement-information.ru/ojs/index.php/laser/article/view/25



Interaction of laser radiation with matter

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