Lasers and green energy


  • V. E. Privalov Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University
  • V. A. Turkin State Maritime University named after Admiral F.F. Ushakov
  • V. G. Shemanin Novorossiisk Branch of Belgorod V G Shukhov State Technology University


ecology, types of fuel, fuel cell, features of hydrogen, lidars, concentration of gas molecules, concentration measurement error


The results make it possible to select the optimal parameters of the Raman laser and lidar for probing up to 1500 m. To probe hydrogen molecules with concentrations N(z) = 1013 cm .3 s to 218.3 min, which is difficult to implement in a single lidar. If the sounding range is limited to 500 m, then a measurement time of 15.8 minutes will suffice. By selecting the measurement time due to the parameters of the same version of the lidar, it is possible to increase the probing distance of the required concentrations of hydrogen molecules in the atmosphere


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How to Cite

Привалов, В. Е. ., Туркин, В. А. ., & Шеманин, В. Г. . (2022). Lasers and green energy. Lasers. Measurements. Information, 2(1), 005-011. Retrieved from



Laser physics

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