Method for determining the radiation resistance of materials with a single irradiation


  • Олег Витальевич Мкртычев Новороссийский филиал БГТУ им. В. Г. Шухова


radiation resistance, laser ablation, Weibull–Gnedenko statistics, statistical research methods


This article discusses an issue related to the field of power optics, which boils down to determining the radiation strength of a surface exposed to a powerful laser pulse. Due to the stochastic nature of the phenomenon, the surface of a material exposed at different points to such irradiation by a laser pulse, in each case either collapses or not. This phenomenon is often referred to as laser ablative destruction or simply laser ablation. Knowledge of the dynamics of laser ablative destruction of a material surface induced by laser radiation is of great technical and technological importance. This paper discusses a method for predicting the dynamics of laser ablation damage by determining the radiation strength of the surface by statistical methods. For each value of the energy density, the surface is irradiated, the presence or absence of destruction initiated by this pulse is recorded, after which the probability p of destruction of the sample is determined. Based on the experimental data obtained, the probability curve of this event is plotted. Further, the Weibull–Gnedenko distribution is applied and the radiation strength of the material surface is determined with a single irradiation of the material.


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2021-03-02 — Updated on 2021-03-02

How to Cite

Мкртычев, О. В. (2021). Method for determining the radiation resistance of materials with a single irradiation. Lasers. Measurements. Information, 1(1), 7-13. Retrieved from



Interaction of laser radiation with matter