Comparative spectral analysis of different degrees of demineralization of biomaterials from juvenile teeth
juvenile dentin, Raman spectroscopy, spectral analysis, demineralized biomaterials, changes in dentin, demineralized bone graft, demineralized matrixAbstract
Experiments on the optical evaluation by Raman spectroscopy of biomaterials from juvenile dentin demineralized with hydrochloric acid with varying degrees of normality were carried out. Each sample was cut into 2 equal parts and further divided into two main groups, according to the stages of their processing: Group 1 – biomaterials from juvenile dentin demineralized in hydrochloric acid of 1.2 N degree of normality; group 2 – biomaterials from juvenile dentin demineralized in hydrochloric acid of 1.8 N degree of normality. Demineralization was carried out in a hydrochloric acid solution using the «LIOPLAST» technology [TU-9398-001-01963143-2004]. ...
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