Raman lidar for probing oxide molecules in the atmosphere


  • Валерий Геннадьевич Шеманин


Raman lidar, molecule, concentration, sensing distance, laser wavelength


A numerical solution of the lidar equation for measuring the concentration of molecules of nitrogen, sulfur and carbon oxides at the MPC level and above (in the range from 2.6∙1018 to 1.1∙1020 m – 3) by a Raman lidar in the atmosphere at a sensing distance of up to 500 m in the mode of synchronous photon counting and selection of the optimal parameters of this lidar variant. It has been shown that when a lidar probes the Raman scattering of light of all studied molecules in the atmosphere using laser radiation at a wavelength of 532 nm, it is possible to register the concentration at the MPC level for sulfur dioxide during a measurement time of 616 s at a sensing distance of up to 500 m, for carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide 21 and 25 s, respectively, at the same distance, for nitrogen dioxide – in the entire range of distances for times up to 50 s, and for nitrogen oxide only for a measurement time of up to 5000 s.


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2021-03-02 — Updated on 2021-03-02

How to Cite

Шеманин, В. Г. (2021). Raman lidar for probing oxide molecules in the atmosphere. Lasers. Measurements. Information, 1(1), 14-22. Retrieved from https://lasers-measurement-information.ru/ojs/index.php/laser/article/view/4



Laser spectroscopy