Laser probing in water to 9 m distance through semi-transparent obstacles


  • S. M. Pershin Prokhorov General Physics Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences
  • M. Ya. Grishin Prokhorov General Physics Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences
  • V. A. Zavozin Prokhorov General Physics Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences
  • P. A. Titovets Moscow technical university of communication and informatics
  • M. O. Fedyuk Moscow technical university of communication and informatics
  • A. A. Smolsky Moscow technical university of communication and informatics


optical system, lidar, underwater navigation, laser probing of the hydrosphere, translucent obstacles


The use of lidar for sensing the space around the submersible robot through translucent obstacles makes it possible to more effectively solve the problem of underwater navigation. The method of laser probing consists in the emission of short laser pulses of high power and their subsequent detection by counting the photons reflected from objects along the beam propagation path. This probing method is less affected by turbidity and dispersion in water compared to video cameras, and is also more energy efficient than echo sounders. As a result of a series of experiments, data were obtained with unique MTUCI scientific facility...


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How to Cite

Першин, . С. М., Гришин, М. Я., Завозин, В. А., Титовец, П. А., Федюк, М. О., & Смольский, А. А. (2022). Laser probing in water to 9 m distance through semi-transparent obstacles. Lasers. Measurements. Information, 2(3), 004-008. Retrieved from



Laser and optical measurements