Lidar measurements of the concentration of fluorohydride molecules in the atmospheric boundary layer
Raman lidar, fluorohydride molecule, concentration, measurement time, probing distanceAbstract
The possibility of measuring concentrations of fluorohydride molecules in the range of
1013...1017 cm-3 in the atmosphere with a Raman lidar during sounding at distances of up to
1.5 km was performed. It was found that at a laser radiation wavelength of 405 nm at a probing
distance of 100 m, one can obtain the minimum concentration of fluorohydride molecules of
1.88 1013 cm-3, and for a probing distance of 1500 m – already 7.64 1015 cm-3 for our version of
the lidar. In addition, at this wavelength of laser radiation, a concentration of 1.5 1014 cm-3 can be
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