The effect of laser radiation on porous targets made of transparent materials
laser, laser torch, nanoparticle, distribution, delay time, instability, crater, flow, vapor, compositionAbstract
The paper reports on a number of new physical phenomena discovered during the study of the effect of laser radiation on porous transparent materials. It is shown that when radiation propagates in a medium of densely packed particles, some of them play the role of a high-quality resonator, significantly increasing its intensity. In the future, the interference of incident, refracted and scattered radiation leads to the fact that in some local areas the intensity is tens of times higher than the intensity of incident radiation, ensuring the development of optical breakdown by one of the known mechanisms. It is established that the intensity in such local maxima depends on the refractive index, particle sizes and wavelength of radiation. It is shown that with prolonged exposure to radiation on the moving surface of the target, it acquires a needle-like character with a needle diameter of ~ 1 mm and a height of up to 8 mm. The glow of the torch, which occurs under the action of a single pulse, in a translucent target has an irregular peak character. It is found that the depth of the crater formed by the radiation of the ytterbium laser, for which the target material is transparent, is 6-8 times deeper than the crater formed by the radiation of a CO2 laser with the same pulse energy, for which this material is not transparent. This is associated with the transition from steam to steam-drop ablation, which is more effective in terms of material removal. Its presence was detected during high-speed photography of the glow of a laser torch. Mathematical models explaining the reasons for the implementation of the above-mentioned processes and facts are given.
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