Lidar equation for Mie scattering taking into account the width of the laser line


  • V.G. Shemanin Novorossiysk Branch of V.G. Shukhov Belgorod State Technological University


lidar, lidar equation, Mie scattering


The lidar equation for Mie backscattering by aerosol particles is considered in assuming that the
laser line has a finite half-width.A computer simulation of the lidar equation for Mie
backscattering for our experimental situation and the ranging distance up to 5 km has been
performed,taking into account such an effect on the ranging results, for example, for a
monostatic aerosol lidar.It was found that the effect of the half-width of the laser line is
noticeably manifested at the ranging distances of more than 1 km and leads to a decrease in the
elastic backscattering power signal by units of percent


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How to Cite

Шеманин, В. Г. (2024). Lidar equation for Mie scattering taking into account the width of the laser line. Lasers. Measurements. Information, 3(3), 22-29. Retrieved from



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