Determination of the breakdown energy of hafnium dioxide coatings when irradiating the surface with nanosecond pulses


  • O. V. Mkrtychev NF BSTU named after. V. G. Shukhova


optical breakdown, laser ablation, hafnium dioxide, breakdown energy


The paper publishes data on laser ablation parameters obtained on hafnium dioxide coatings. The
samples were irradiated with high-power Nd3+:YAG laser pulses until optical breakdown of the
material was achieved. The radiation pulses had a nanosecond duration.


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How to Cite

Мкртычев, О. В. (2024). Determination of the breakdown energy of hafnium dioxide coatings when irradiating the surface with nanosecond pulses. Lasers. Measurements. Information, 3(3), 36-38. Retrieved from



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