Evaluation of the composition of biomaterials based on bacterial cellulose with the addition of clotrimazole using optical methods
clotrimazole, microscopic analysis, Raman spectroscopy, Raman spectra of clotrimazole, bacterial celluloseAbstract
This paper presents the results of a study to evaluate the composition of two forms of a combined material based on bacterial cellulose using Raman spectroscopy. As a result of the conducted studies, it was found that spectral differences between samples of biocellulose with and without clotrimazole are observed throughout the studied spectral range from 800-1800 cm-1. When clotrimazole and pectin are mixed, the RAMAN spectra of bacterial cellulose become more smoothed (1000 cm-1 – 1262 cm-1, as well as 1420-1747 cm-1), which may indicate that the bond of pectin and clotrimazole could affect the deposition of the drug in...
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